
The health benefits of infrared heating

Many people wrongly assume that the health effects of infrared heating can be harmful. In reality, however, it is a completely safe technology that offers many benefits and even provides a healthier environment than conventional heating systems. Let's find out why.

The basis for the operation of the infrapanel: healthy radiation

Infrared heating is based on infrared radiation, which is similar to the radiation emitted by the sun, but completely harmless. Infrared rays should not be confused with UV rays, which can be really harmful to health. The radiation emitted by infrared panels does not heat the air, but objects, walls and our bodies in the environment, thus providing a pleasant and natural feeling of warmth.

This heating method is much gentler on the human body, as it does not cause air movement that would stir up dust and other dirt, as conventional heating systems do. Info-heating is therefore not only not harmful, but also helps to avoid many of the problems that conventional heating systems can cause.

Less dust and pollution in the air

Conventional heating systems, especially air-circulation or convection types, generate air movement in the rooms. This movement stirs up dust, releasing bacteria, mites and other pollutants into the air. These particles can be harmful to health, especially for people with respiratory diseases, such as asthma sufferers, who may experience worsening symptoms when breathing in dust, causing frequent coughing fits and difficulty breathing.

Infrared panels, on the other hand, do not cause airflow, so dust and other harmful substances are not circulated. Infrared heating can therefore be particularly beneficial for people who are sensitive to air quality, such as allergy sufferers and people with respiratory diseases. The infrared technology heats the room evenly, reducing the levels of dust and allergens in the air, providing a healthier environment in the long term.

Healthier heat, more natural warmth

The infrared panel heats not only the air, but also the surrounding objects and walls, so that their temperature is evenly distributed throughout the room. This means there are no cold drafts or overheated air, which is common with conventional heating systems. Walls, furniture and floors radiate heat back into the room, resulting in a more natural and comfortable feeling of warmth.

In addition, by keeping the walls warm at all times, infrared heating reduces dampness and prevents mould growth, which is not only an aesthetic problem but can also pose a serious health risk. Dry, warm walls prevent the accumulation of moisture, so mould disappears, and with it the fungi that cause respiratory problems.

Never again mould!

One of the outstanding benefits of infrared heating is that it keeps objects and walls in the room warm, preventing moisture build-up. In a dry environment, mould simply cannot grow, eliminating one of the most common problems in the home. Mould is not just an aesthetic problem, it is also a serious health risk, especially for people with respiratory diseases. Infrared panel heating therefore not only provides a cleaner and more comfortable living space, but also has a positive health impact, protecting against mould problems in the long term.

Beneficial effect on blood circulation

Infrared heating not only improves our sense of warmth, it also has direct health benefits. While conventional heating often dries out the skin, infrared radiation does not cause such problems. The radiation emitted by infrared panels penetrates deep under the skin and stimulates blood circulation. This causes blood vessels to dilate and the circulatory system to become more active, resulting in increased blood oxygen levels, reduced heart rate and generally improved well-being. Improved blood circulation promotes wound healing, improves immune function and can contribute to long-term health.

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